End of Course Exams (EOC)

We are fast approaching that time of year when all Biology students will participate in the Missouri EOCs. For information about what the EOCs are, please see the link under EOC Resources entitled General Information About the EOCs. This is a direct copy of information posted on Missouri's Department of Education's website. It is just an informational letter to parents about the EOCs. If you have any further questions about the EOCs, please see the Department of Education's website, http://dese.mo.gov.

In preparation for the EOCs, the Biology classes will be doing a number of things including familiarizing ourselves with the computer program that will be used to administer the tests, taking a couple of practice tests and some general reviewing. Hopefully, by incorporating these measures into class, the students will feel confident about the tests when it comes to test day.

For Students: Additional links are listed under EOC Resources. These links include practice questions, as well as practice using the testing program. Feel free to use the links at any time to get a head start on EOC preparation. The more familiar you are with the program and the types of questions that will be asked, the more confident you will feel on test day. And being confident and self assured while taking a test is half the battle. Good luck!